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Franchise Focus – October: Absolute Discretion & Female Franchisees

Franchise Focus – October: Absolute Discretion & Female Franchisees

Welcome to October’s Tubz Vending roundup, our dedicated spot for sharing news, ideas, how tos, handy resources and interesting information from the world of franchising. Every month our team of franchising experts collect their favourite recent posts from across the worldwide web, and each month we choose our favourite pieces to share with you. Stand by for handy tips and franchising insights…

This month: discover how and why to avoid the “absolute discretion” trap, get to grips with performing due diligence before signing up to a franchising opportunity and learn why the number of female franchisees is now on the rise.

Beware the Absolute Discretion Trap

Any franchise agreement requires serious attention, from franchisers, franchisees and both parties’ legal advisors. Yet, if your franchise agreement includes phrases like “absolute discretion” or “sole discretion”, the agreement requires even closer study – and potentially review. Why? Because these expressions could spell serious trouble with little or no recourse to rulings from arbitrators, mediators or the courts.

Giving sole discretion to a franchiser is a very dangerous abdication of power for franchisees, handing over complete control and the final say to the franchise in question in every single instance. Instead, phrases like “reasonable discretion” and “consent will not be unreasonably withheld” point to a healthy future relationship between both parties.  Before you sign anything, get to know the issue. This blog published on the AAFD website will help you to familiarise yourself.

A Helpful Guide to Franchise Due Diligence

If you listen to proverbs and old wives’ tales, you’ll know all too well that “fools rush in”. In very few instances in life is this more true than when you’re considering investing in a franchise. This excellent blog post from McColm Matsinger Lawyers may cover franchising in Australia, but a great many of the lessons about performing proper due diligence before jumping in feet first with a franchise  are applicable both worldwide and in the UK.

From researching the opportunity, to reading all paperwork thoroughly and talking to other franchisees in the system, this blog put together by Christine Matsinger is full of helpful pointers, good advice and some very valuable “dos” and “don’ts”.

US Female Franchisees On the Rise

Surprised businesswoman looking at laptop pc, astonished woman with shocked face and open mouth.

In a trend we’re confident is also reflected on British shores, The UPS Store franchising blog has shared the news that the number of female franchisees in the States are on the rise.  Data accessed via the 2015 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report shows that almost 30% of all US business are now female owed, with 9.4 million women-owned businesses now operating in the country. Get the full story here.

Do you think that female franchising is on the rise? Are you a woman with a franchise? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share them with other readers below or get in touch today with our franchising team via

Franchise Focus – September: Intellectual Property & #NFE15

Franchise Focus – September: Intellectual Property & #NFE15

Welcome to September’s Tubz Vending roundup, our franchising experts’ place to share news, views and helpful resources from across the world wide web – all about franchising. We scour the net every month, discovering those “must read” articles which will keep you informed and interested in franchising, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a franchising first timer.

This month: know your Intellectual Property onions, find out what’s going on at next month’s National Franchising Exhibition at Birmingham’s NEC and find out what lies behind the UK’s recent franchising boom.

Do You Understand Intellectual Property?

Do you understand how the land lies when it comes to franchising and intellectual property? For both franchisers and franchisees, this is a very important corner of the law to get to grips with. For franchisers, understanding how intellectual property rights work will ensure your franchisees use your brand and your business model correctly – and that no outside parties can step on your toes (or steal a slice of your pie). As a franchisee, getting a handle on the subject is all part of using your franchise’s intellectual property properly and responsible – without landing yourself in a world of legal pain.

As luck would have it, the well-informed paralegal David McGuire of Wright Hassall LLP has put together a very helpful introduction to the subject for the blog. Time to swot up on subjects including warranties, indemnity and the different types of intellectual property.

Don’t Miss the National Franchise Exhibition: 2nd & 3rd October


In the first week of October hundreds of franchises will descend on Birmingham’s NEC to take part in the National Franchise Exhibition 2015. Jam packed with opportunities for potential franchisees from all walks of life, with budgets ranging from the modest, to the substantial, this is the perfect place to scope out UK franchising opportunities, get a feel for what’s going on in the sector and learn more about working with a franchise.

With over 60 seminars, lectures and inspiring talks on the schedule, there’s an opportunity to learn everything you need to know about franchising and growing your business, from real life inspiring franchising stories and one-to-one advice clinics, to expert talks on everything from business expansion to SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) for your brand.  There’s even a fun-filled children’s play area so you can learn and keep your youngsters busy all at the same time. Book tickets online or follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #NEF15.

Why is UK Franchising Booming?

We’re fascinated by this insightful article from David Banfield of the Interface Financial Group franchise.  In his blog for Pound Sterling Live, Banfield points out that although the UK’s recent franchising boom has seen an increase in franchising by more that 10% since 2008, news of this significant development has had virtually no airtimein the media. So what lies behind the boom? And why are so few people talking about it? Read David’s blog to get the answers.

What do you think lies behind the recent franchising boom? Which stalls and seminars are you keen to see at the National Franchise Exhibition? Share your thoughts below or ask the Tubz Vending team about our franchising opportunities:

Find out how you could become a Tubz Franchisee here.

Franchise Focus – July: Marriage, Franchises & the Nitty Gritty

Franchise Focus – July: Marriage, Franchises & the Nitty Gritty

Welcome to July’s Tubz Vending roundup, your one-stop spot for franchising news, editorials and information from across the world wide web. This month we’re finding out why marriage and franchising can be surprisingly similar, meeting successful US franchisor Gordon Logan and making sure your entrepreneurial spark doesn’t get in the way of smart business decisions!

Why is Franchising Like a Marriage?

If this question sounds like it’s leading up to a punchline to you, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. According to blogger James OBrien at Executives Online, franchising really is like a marriage, from courtship and the Big Day, through to rocky patches and growing old together.

With wedding season well and truly upon us, we couldn’t think of a more appropriate blog to kick off our July round up. Great stuff which will make you look at franchising opportunities with very different eyes!

Franchisor Profile: Gordon Logan, Sport Clips

It’s always inspiring to hear from established franchisers who have been there, done it, got the t-shirt and kept succeeding. Although a US based site, About Money is packed with interesting reads for franchisers and franchisees alike, including regular franchisor profiles, like this fascinating insight into Sports Clips Haircuts – a US wide franchise started by Gordon Logan in the early 90s, today boasting over 1300 stores in the US and Canada.

As you’ll learn, success hasn’t always come easily to Gordon, from embezzlement by staff members, to bankruptcy, his path to franchising stardom has been paved with obstacles and problems,. But with a whole lot of determination, Logan has created a strong, nationally recognised franchise. Read more about how he did it on the About Money blog.

Franchising: Considering the Legal & Financial Issues

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you’ll know just how easy it can be to get carried away with a big idea. The more you think about it, the more enthused you get, the more enthused you become, the more excited you are about it – and all of a sudden you’ve lost sight of the big picture and the crucial little details.

A firm handle on a potential franchise’s financial options and legal issues is absolutely essential when you’re considering buying into a business. Keeping a cool head as you appraise these options is a must if you’re serious about investing your time and money in a project you want to see flourish and succeed. That’s why this blog from is a very useful “cool down” read. If you’re excited by a new prospect, read this and start approaching your opportunity with your head not your entrepreneurial heart!

Do you struggle to zero in on the nitty gritty when you’re excited about a project? Which franchisor inspires you? Let us know below or email your thoughts and opinions to the Tubz Vending team at:


Twitter is arguably the best source of news and information around, and this is especially true for industries such as franchising.

We follow numerous franchise-related Twitter accounts; not necessarily because of how many followers they have or how well known they are, but because they provide fantastic insight, information and advice for franchisees and franchisors.

So check out our top 21 favourite franchise Twitter accounts, most of which link to equally valuable websites and blogs.

1) Eric Stites (@EricStites)@EricStites – Eric Stites



Entrepreneur and franchise researcher Eric Stites shares guidance in the form of articles from his site Franchise Business Review, as well as gems from other industry leaders.


2) Sean Kelly (@FranchisePick)@FranchisePick – Sean Kelly



Sean is a well respected franchise writer and consultant who knows his field better than most. He Tweets some of his great articles from his site FranBest and is a must-follow guy.


3) Kate Taylor (@Kate_H_Taylor)@Kate_H_Taylor – Kate Taylor



Kate is a staff writer for who writes regularly about franchising. She shares her work and other franchise-related news and tips on her Twitter account, as well as other fun stuff.  


4) Franchise Strategist (@BizAdvisor)@BizAdvisor – Franchise Strategist



The Franchise Strategist account is packed with useful articles from associated site Franchise Money Maker, information about franchise opportunities and events, and motivational tweets.


5) Franchise Experts (@FranchiseSales_)@Franchise Sales – Franchise Experts



This account is dedicated to connecting franchisors and franchisees and is an extension of Franchise Sales. It’s a great way for people new to franchising to move to the next step.



6) Franchise Handbook (@FranchiseHdbk)@FranchiseHdbk – Franchise Handbook



You can find franchise announcements, news and advice on this Twitter feed which is of course related to the Franchise Handbook – a directory of over 1700 franchises and additional tips.


7) Katrina Mitchell (@SpeakFranchise) @SpeakFranchise – Katerina Mitchell



Katrina’s account focuses on advice for making the most of franchise conferences, as her site Franchise Speakers provides orators for these events. Some excellent advice for anyone running a franchise networking day.


8) IFA (@Franchising411)@Franchising411 – IFA



As you might expect the International Franchise Association’s Twitter account provides a wealth of information on all things franchise, as does its website.


9) (@Franchising_com)@Franchising_com –



A multimedia feed of articles, videos and links to print resources on franchising from the team behind franchise-encompassing website,


10) Joel Libava ♛ (@FranchiseKing)@FranchiseKing – Joel Libava



Joel ends up in a  lot of our blogs, but then he is the Franchise King. All franchisors and franchisees should follow his Twitter account for industry news and plenty of articles giving insightful guidance.


11) Franchise Times (@FranTimes)@FranTimes – Franchise Times



This is the feed for the US’ biggest print publication and website dedicated solely to franchising. As you’d expect the Twitter account shares masses of information that’s invaluable to franchisors and franchisees the world over.


12) TheFranchiseMagazine (@TheFranchiseMag)@TheFranchiseMag – The Franchise Magazine



The Franchise Magazine is a UK based franchise publication and on Twitter these guys offer articles and news that are useful for anyone in franchising, with any amount of experience. Another must-follow for UK folks at least.


13) Franchise Biz Review (@FranchiseReview)@FranchiseReview – Franchise Biz Review



This feed is a great source of independent franchising and entrepreneurship information and guidance, attached to the equally notable Franchise Business Review site.



14) British Franchise (@BFA_UK)@BFA_UK – British Franchise



This is the Twitter feed for the British Franchise Association, and it focuses on news and tip, but also the ethics and standards expected in this industry. A very useful account for Brit entrepreneurs to follow.


15)evan carmichael 2 @EvanCarmichael – Evan Carmichael



Evan is an expert in entrepreneurship and for anyone wanting to make it in the world of franchising, he is a great guy to follow for guidance and importantly for motivation. His site is full of useful articles and guides too.


16) Biz Opportunities (@bizopinsider)@bizopinsider – Biz Opportunities



A feed full of franchise advice and articles from Dane Carlson’s, and the latest industry news to keep you up to date.


17) AllBusiness (@AllBusiness_com)@AllBusiness_com – AllBusiness


Although not solely franchise-focused AllBusiness talks a lot about startups and building your own business, which topics are spot on for franchisees and franchisors with big dreams.




18) Franchise Direct UK (@FranchisesUK) @FranchisesUK – Franchise Direct UK



This is the UK feed for the fantastic Franchise Direct blog and directory, offering the latest news and opportunities in the sector. The US account is right here for you guys across the pond.


19) Lizette Pirtle (@infranchisesu)@infranchisesu – Lizette Pirtle



Lizette is passionate about franchise success and she shares advice from her website which tackles just that, as well as top tips from other industry leaders.



20) Franchise (@franchise)@franchise – Franchise



Sebastien Page shares a wealth of news on existing franchises, and he usually tweets numerous times each day so follow if you want to be regularly updates on the industry.


If there are other franchise accounts we should include here let us know in the comments section. These are our favourites but the Twittersphere is a big place so don’t hold it against us if we’ve missed someone!