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Success Stories – Working mum self-employed within two years

Success Stories – Working mum self-employed within two years


Tubz Brands franchisee Lorraine Church has become fully self-employed within two years

Lorraine Church is a mother of two from Gravesend. She has been operating with Tubz for two years and is now fully self-employed, giving her the freedom to work her own hours and spend time with her family.


How did you get started?

Before you decided to invest in a Tubz bundle what was it you were looking for and why?

I worked in sales for various retail companies but wanted the chance to work for myself and earn money for myself, and also to have the flexibility that brings.

What other options did you look at and why did you choose Tubz over them?

I looked at other franchise opportunities with larger vending machines but they cost from £10k-15k and I didn’t have that much money to invest.

With Tubz I could invest in the 10 unit bundle and that allowed me to dip my toe in the water without risking a large amount of money.

And the team at Tubz were really supportive and didn’t put any pressure on me to invest in more. They suggested I try the 10 units and see whether it worked for me.  

Who was involved in the decision-making process?

My sister came with me to meet the team at Tubz to give a second opinion but I’d pretty much made up my mind already, having looked at a number of opportunities.

What was the most important thing when evaluating your options?

The most important thing was the cost and the flexibility, as I have kids and wanted to be able to work my own hours and work from home most of the time. Especially in school holidays with the cost of childcare.

How did the setup go for you?

How long did it take to get up and running?

Literally a week. My sites were set up in that time and the next week I was collecting cash from my 10 machines.

Did that process meet your expectations?

The setting up process was really easy and the guys at Tubz were great. They were really supportive and helpful and there was no stress at all. And then further down the line if I had any doubts or questions they were always there to help and were always really nice too.  I really can’t speak highly enough of them. Honestly they’re not paying me to say this!

How easy was it to find suitable sites for your machines?

I found some sites myself and I paid for Tubz to find the others for me, which made things really easy. I also bought two existing rounds from people which meant they were already successful and making money.

Where are you now?

Have you subsequently invested in more machines? What kind of income do they bring in?

Within a year I’d bought a total of 40 and now I have over 60, after being with Tubz for just over two years. Income does vary across different sites and seasonality affects things too, but on average I bring in around £400 to £600 per week gross. This meant I was recently able to become fully self-employed after weaning myself off employment.

How has your Tubz franchise affected your life?

It’s made my life a lot easier! In my sales jobs I was on the road all the time and much of the work was London-based, and I had much less time for my family and myself. Now I earn money for myself and spend more time with my kids. I’ve got a much better lifestyle now and I’m now one of those people who can say I really love my job.

How challenging is the day-to-day running of your Tubz business?

Not challenging at all! It’s been a bit of a learning curve but now I have my route sorted between my sites and I know my audience and what they like, it’s really not hard. And I had no experience before two years ago.

Where are you going?

What are your business plans and goals?

My goal is to have 100 machines. I think that would give me a nice income but I wouldn’t have to deal with the complications of employing anyone else. But when I get to 100 maybe I’ll think I could handle 110, or 120…

Are Vending Machines Profitable?

Are Vending Machines Profitable?


Well, that’s the short answer anyway. There are millions of vending machines being operated throughout the world, and that’s because profits are being made.

We operate over 2,000 units and a further 30,000 via our licensed operators and these numbers are constantly growing.

But it’s not fool proof

A vending franchise is a solid base you can build your own business from, with the help of a proven business model and help and advice from your franchisor. But that doesn’t mean profits are guaranteed.

While vending machine businesses are profitable, they have to be managed properly. Success in vending requires the same virtues as in any enterprise: an understanding of the industry, commitment, patience, enthusiasm and determination.  To find out how Tubz can support you in your in a franchise venture, read our ‘Why Choose Tubz‘ page.

What are the costs involved?

Your start up franchise investment

Franchise costs vary significantly but range from around £3000, right up to the tens of thousands.

The machines

Thankfully vending machines are one of the cheapest ways to invest in a start up business. However, you need to find out whether they are included in your investment, and if so, how many? You can find this out easily by speaking with the franchisor.

Tubz Vending Franchise offer 10 machines with their basic business bundle, which costs £3995 + VAT, with no ongoing costs.

Restocking your machines

Restocking your machines is another cost to consider. This of course depends on how many machines you have.

It’s essential to leave adequate funds for restocking when you first decide how many machines you can afford to invest in.

But With Tubz Brands business bundles, stock is included so you are off to a flying start.

Repairing your machines

The cost of repairs will depend on the kind of machines you have. Large electrical devices such as can vending machines could incur substantial costs if something breaks, cutting into your profits. Simpler, mechanical devices are usually cheap and relatively easy to repair, meaning they can be back in location and making money again.

Tubz machines are simple, non-electrical mechanical devices and have interchangeable parts which cost from 60p up to £25. However you won’t have to worry for the first 2 years because Tubz Brands new vending towers all come with a 2 year guarantee.

Storing your machines

Do you have to store your machines before placing them? Do you have space to do this or will this incur storage costs?

– How long until you will see the money coming in?

When considering a vending franchise you must find out how long you should expect to wait before you see any return on your investment. If it could be weeks or months before you see any significant income you will have to plan for the period before the cash starts to arrive.

With a Tubz Vending Franchise operators see money coming in from day one and on average a full return on investment within 6 months.

What locations offer the most profit

Considering where to put vending machines is very important to make the most profit possible. A generic, popular product will allow you a wider range of suitable locations and a greater potential customer base.

Research which vending products are the most popular and offer them in the busiest locations you are able to. Most franchisors will be able to give you lots of information and advice on finding the best, most profitable sites. With Tubz Brands business bundles, sites are included in the initial price so there is no selling involved.

How many machines do you need to make a healthy profit?

It’s fairly obvious but the more machines you have, the more money you will make – as long as you sell popular products in a relatively busy location. Different products may be more popular in different locations, so you might need to tweak the quantities of the different products you offer.

So how much do vending machines make?  Based on average figures in 2016 10 Tubz vending towers making 10 sales a week would bring an annual turnover of £5,200. 20 sales a week would mean a turnover of £10,400 and 30 sales a week would mean a turnover of £15,600. And of course these figures increase substantially if you have more units, though sales can’t be guaranteed because a successful operation does depend on many factors.

Towers 10 Sales Per Tower Per Week 20 Sales Per Tower Per Week 30 Sales Per Tower Per Week
10 £5,200 £10,400 £15,600
25 £13,000 £26,000 £39,000
50 £26,000 £52,000 £78,000
100 £52,000 £104,000 £156,000

You can see more predicted average turnovers based on unit numbers on the business bundles page.

It may seem like there is a huge amount of things to consider regarding vending franchises, but remember that this business model is already successful and profitable, with a proven track record.

If you want to know more simply contact the franchisor and they will be happy to provide you with information, advice and data, so that you can get a clearer picture of how much profit you could make, and the best ways to make that happen.

And if you want more evidence of successful Tubz Brands operations, take a look at our many testimonials.

Further reading:

– Evan Carmichael writes and hosts some fantastic articles about vending franchises on

– Franchise King Joel Libava discusses vending and all other franchise opportunities on his site and his insight can also be found on

– Franchise Direct wrote this useful piece on Vending Machine Franchise Tips and Benefits

– Find out a bit more about Tubz Brands; what we do, how we support our franchisees, and how we can support you in building a successful business!

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  • Do you agree? Have your say in the comments section.

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